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We care about your SAFETY!

At Prive’ Executive Protection and Consulting, we offer top-level security and consulting services for clients who require the utmost protection and discretion.

Our executive protection specialists are highly skilled in threat assessment, route planning, and emergency response procedures to safeguard our clients against different security threats. Whether it’s a one-time event or ongoing protection, we are dedicated to providing top-level protection and consultation services for all our clients.
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Our team is equipped to handle a wide range of scenarios, from close protection to estate security, to ensure that our clients are fully protected. We pride ourselves on providing discrete and customized protection services tailored to the unique needs of every client.

Our team is equipped to handle a wide range of scenarios, including escorting clients to and from events, assessing and mitigating potential security risks, and providing round-the-clock protection. Our personal bodyguards are known for their discreet, professional manner, and they are trained to blend in seamlessly while providing top-level protection.

Our team of residential security specialists has extensive experience and knowledge to provide customized security services to meet the unique needs of each client. We offer a comprehensive range of security solutions, including security assessments, surveillance, access control, and alarm systems, to ensure that your home and family are safeguarded at all times.

We Have Over 30+ Years of Experience

We have been helping Business Professionals, Athletes, Musicians, Celebrities, etc for over 30+ years.



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Happy Clients

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We are dedicated to satisfy & protect clients

Take a look at some words from our clients whose information is protected for legal reasons.

How Can We Help You?

PRIVE has built their reputation based off results and we are here to help you. Fill out the form below for a Free Consultation.

Book Consultation:

Please be specific about the services you need. Your information will not be sold or posted as public information.

    Our services:

    Effective executive protection services are essential for high net worth individuals, celebrities, and other persons exposed to potential security threats

    Personal bodyguard services provide a sense of security and protection to individuals who may face potential threats.

    Residential security services are essential for homeowners who are looking for peace of mind and keeping their home and family safe.

    Travel and transportation protection services are critical for individuals who face potential threats during their journeys, whether it's for business or pleasure.

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)