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The Solution Architects Roles and Responsibilities

The elements that would be hard to change after implementing and elements that may be related to failure risks. Also, the architect may sometimes propose technical standards, including coding standards, tools, or platforms. Software architects may also be engaged in the design of the architecture of the hardware environment. Finally, a solution architect participates in making the most crucial technical decision that may impact the project’s ultimate results (for example, technology stack and integration with third-party systems).

ITIL is the industry-accepted range of qualifications that contains 5 levels. The highest credential is the ITIL Master for those experts who deal with IT service management and have deep experience with ITIL practices. A solutions architect is responsible for evaluating an organization’s business needs and determining how IT can support those needs leveraging software, hardware, or infrastructure.

What Are the Essential Skills of a Solutions Architect?

Therefore, organizations need experts who convey the product vision to the technical specialists. A solution architect is the most general and broad role in solution architecture. A solution architect oversees the entire solution lifecycle, from the initial analysis and design to the implementation and testing. A solution architect needs to have a solid understanding of the business domain, the technical domain, and the best practices and methodologies for solution design and delivery.

  • The architect needs to determine which of the technologies will be most suitable for a particular project.
  • Even though project development is not a part of a solutions architect’s role, they are held accountable when deadlines and resource management are brought into consideration.
  • When it comes to building from scratch, changing, or upgrading your software solution – the earlier, the better.
  • In addition, the professionals work closely with stakeholders such as business analysts, developers, and project managers to understand the project requirements and design an appropriate solution.
  • Solution architecture’s aim is to ensure that all their requirements are taken into account.
  • This understanding equips them with the ability to structure and design robust, scalable, and sustainable solutions.

But if you aim at enterprise-level solutions or want to grow your existing product, you may want an IT solution architect to lead the process. Companies look for people who perform solutions architect duties only when their projects become more complex and challenging. Solutions architect skills include technical knowledge, communication, and leadership skills. But their experience with commercial projects is the key to getting the job. First, they create a technical vision to show how the software will cover business needs. Next, they pass their tech vision to the development team who starts working on the solution.

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A solution architect is in charge of leading the practice and introducing the overall technical vision for a particular solution. In pursuing project success, Solutions Architects wield their expertise to estimate crucial project outcomes. They meticulously analyze various facets such as cost, timeline, and expected returns, weaving together a comprehensive understanding of the project’s viability and potential. This estimation process is a crucial safeguard, ensuring that projects remain within budgetary and time constraints while aligning with the organization’s strategic objectives. This task extends beyond bureaucratic documentation—it is fundamental to ensure that all stakeholders clearly understand the nuances of the solution. By streamlining implementation and operation, these architectural artifacts become invaluable tools in driving project success.

what is the role of a solutions architect

It is the work process that solutions architects perform to bring business excellence and efficiency. Now, let’s get an in-depth insight into the solutions architect roles and responsibilities. These are the five types of solutions architect roles every business owner must know. So first, it is essential to define the business requirements and then hire dedicated solutions architect accordingly. The concept of a solution architecture is rather complex and includes many aspects required to create a custom software solution with a specific purpose.

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An architect is one of the most significant and client-facing roles in the IT industry. Its importance is nonetheless often overlooked or even completely ignored by companies at both ends. Read all issues of our TSI reports, where we feature a different tech role each quarter and what impact it’s having on the industry. After that, they pass on their tech vision to their development team, who next starts their work.

what is the role of a solutions architect

The UML structure for describing a variety of different views of the software development problem in pictorial form is the most recognizable visual documentation language for developers. The SA should be familiar with each of the various UML forms and have expertise in the development of use cases, class diagrams, and occasionally state diagrams as well. Mastery of UML allows quicker, easier, and better communication with the DLs and the developers. Where the development lead focuses on detailed knowledge of a particular area the SA is very broad. Instead of getting mired down into the details of implementing one specific thing the SA focuses on integrating various parts of the solution into one cohesive network that solves the larger problem.

Coordinating with Stakeholders

Prior to considering solution architecture, we recommend exploring enterprise architecture frameworks that combine both solution and enterprise levels. Certifications are intended to validate the skills and expertise of solution architects. So, having one or more credentials proves the expert’s proficiency in specific skills.

what is the role of a solutions architect

They play a critical role in ensuring that technology solutions meet the needs of the organization and contribute to its success. A senior architect is a role that has a high level of experience and expertise in solution architecture, and is recognized as an authority and a leader in the field. A senior architect provides strategic direction and guidance for the solution architecture practice, as well as the architecture standards and frameworks. A senior architect also participates in complex and critical projects, and provides consultation and advice to other architects and stakeholders.

Q: What is a Solutions Architect, anyways?

Once the development leader has internalized their portion of the architecture the SA must continuously motivate and reinforce the good work that is being done. They must continue to motivate the Developer Lead(s) to push through tough issues and create the solution. The solution architect role also requires being able to project into the future and consider upcoming uses.

Plus, they should connect the business vision with the technical side of the project while keeping the corporate strategy in mind. Although the true list of non-technical elements depends on the software complexity, a general one would consist of performance, maintainability, security, usability, and scalability. The responsibility of someone in a solutions architect role is to ensure that all the non-functional requirements get met by the product engineers.

What Is A Solutions Architect?: Role & Responsibilities

This definition may seem vague and generic, but only because customers’ problems are different, so they demand different solutions, usually with a unique approach. To perform a solution architect’s role, one needs to complete a technical education what is the role of a solutions architect and practical experience across every central area of software development process and hardware engineering proficiency. As a rule, this person has industry-specific expertise, so he or she understands what stakeholders want and why they want it.

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