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A Guide to Chatbot Marketing: Examples, Uses & Benefits

benefits of chatbot marketing

One survey reveals that 83% of online shoppers require support when shopping. These shoppers may need help navigating through your site and understanding products. They may also have queries regarding registration, payment, checkout, and delivery. A marketing chatbot is a bot that streamlines your marketing funnel into an automated conversation that drives an action valuable to your enterprise. Chatbots streamline consumer communication, making it easy for brands to connect with customers and prospects at scale.

  • Maya is Lemonade’s policy chatbot that can onboard customers in 90 seconds.
  • Your website’s bounce rate largely depends on how absorbed the users are in browsing your content.
  • With a chatbot, you never miss a beat and are always available to answer customer questions.
  • Ananya enjoys ghostwriting and brand stories that elevate others in innovative ways.
  • Add “Away” messages like – “We’re not currently online right now, but we’ll soon get back to you!
  • “A month after installation, messaging apps have nearly double the retention rate of the average for all apps, 68 percent versus 38 percent.”

Leadbots with artificial intelligence technology help in generating leads for B2-B businesses. As mentioned above, AI chatbot communication is more natural than programmed chatbots and has the business objective to convert visitors into leads. One of the main objectives of lead generation chatbots is to answer questions and push visitors down the correct funnel. So the more personality you give to your bots, the higher chance that they’ll effectively grab the attention and engage a visitor. One way to make your chatbots more engaging is by personifying them (e.g. giving them a name or a cartoon-like or human face).

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Customer data includes – a contact’s name, phone number, and organization. If your chatbot can draw such information from other channels, then customer satisfaction improves. Hence, the best way to deliver personalized experiences to people of different nationalities is to work with linguists and native speakers. These language authorities can help you get the translation just right. Using machine learning is one way to improve the quality of translation. Meet our new AI chatbot, which delivers the power of GPT-4, fine-tuned for the support experience that Intercom provides.

benefits of chatbot marketing

Losing prospects halfway through a sales funnel is a never-ideal situation and no business would like that to happen. For any customer-centric business, having an option to scale the support should always be among the first of priorities. However, there might be instances when the bot is not able to identify the user intent in the request and so it needs to make a human handover. In addition, AI bots can be scaled during the peak hours of business without any further costs. Collaborate with your customers in a video call from the same platform.

Consistent responses

You don’t want to throw chatbots onto every page and hope that’s sufficient for generating meaningful engagement with potential customers. To figure out what the best pages are to add a chatbot to, you need to map out the customer journey on your website. According to Outgrow, 58% of B2B companies are using chatbots on their sites in 2021. Some of the benefits that those businesses are seeing include 30% reduced business costs, up to 67% increased sales, and a 55% chance of generating better leads.

Chatbots for digital marketing can also help in personalising and designing chatbots according to the business. Conversational chatbots can help you get to know your customers even better. They allow you to find out what their most common questions and needs are, as well as the products or services that interest them. They help you make strategic decisions to improve the experience and offer a more personalized service with each interaction. Today, most businesses operate with an omnichannel model by selling across platforms, including their website, Facebook, etc. AI chatbots offer an effortless and straightforward way for customers to communicate with their business through various platforms such as Facebook Messenger and other social media channels.

Chatbot Benefits for Customers

A chatbot can help a retailer better understand how customers find them online, what they’re shopping for, and other valuable insights. So, smart integrations are also among the top benefits that a chatbot delivers to an eCommerce business. Chatbots support multiple languages, making them a valuable tool for global brands operating in different markets. They can initiate conversations by asking the user for their preferred language. Alternatively, they can automatically switch to the language of the region where the customer is accessing the company’s website.

benefits of chatbot marketing

With a fiercely competitive business landscape today, businesses’ need for a robust customer service department is consistently rising. Implementing powerful chatbots allows companies to manage a massive amount of customer queries in relatively short periods. Kaysun Corporation is a QEM (quality in electronic manufacturing) provider for custom molding, scientific molding and engineering solutions.

What is chatbot marketing?

If you are about to integrate a chatbot with the messaging media, you must research and choose the best one! For local businesses, reviews are the third most important ranking factor if you want to make the cut for Google’s Local Pack. And even if your business isn’t geared toward local services, reviews still feature as a top Google ranking factor since they boost your site’s reputation.

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That flexibility has another advantage – it makes it possible for chatbots to engage customers on a whole host of different levels. This means businesses can use it to help people with technical support, sales information, or account management. One of the benefits of chatbots is that they can take over a lot of tedious, repetitive tasks that are currently performed by customer support staff. WhatsApp chatbot is the best way to communicate with your customers through the messaging platform. It is easy to install and can be integrated with existing enterprise IT systems. The chatbot will help you automate a lot of mundane tasks such as responding to questions, fixing bugs in a product, or giving recommendations based on customers’ preferences.

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They can use analytics tools to search for keywords or identify and track words and phrases that come up a lot. With these insights, business owners can learn more about how to market products and services or change their target audience to align with their existing customer base. Modern shoppers value a personalized experience when shopping online. Adding a personal touch to customer service can help a business grow faster than following a blanket approach. Most consumers (75%) prefer shopping with brands that personalize the digital experience (RRD). For example, a chatbot can send recommendations to customers based on what’s in their carts, so personalization is among the top benefits a chatbot provides to an eCommerce business.

benefits of chatbot marketing

Flow XO offers an interactive and intuitive chatbot building platform that can expand your marketing capabilities. We offer support throughout the process and a wide range of features that can take your engagement to the next level, closing the gap between a visitor and a customer. The chatbot is a versatile and interactive tool, so there are many possibilities for adopting a chatbot marketing strategy. Bots that are unable to serve simple customer queries fail to add value even if they are 24/7 available. The main issue at this point is how well the chatbots can understand and solve customer problems. Finally, highlighting 24/7 availability can create backlash when bots are down due to security issues or maintenance.

Automate the Customer Journey

The office product retailer created its Easy System to make it easier for customers to order what they needed. Customers could ask the bot simple questions or scan their lists to generate an order. Bots give you another channel via which to reach out to, and engage with, your customers or potential leads. You can program your bot to offer helpful tips, information about products, and details of discounts, and sales. This will help to increase your customer interaction, and it could boost your revenue. The more people who know about your special offers, the more people will look at your products and possibly convert.

  • It enables fulfilment of their customers’ needs while also providing CRM opportunities for the business and capturing customers’ details (e.g. phone numbers).
  • And if people have to spend too much time trying to find what they want, they’ll simply go elsewhere.
  • This is double trouble if you haven’t got a human support agent on hand to take over the interaction.
  • As a result, there is less room for inconsistent responses, which may otherwise sow seeds of misunderstanding.
  • Serving as the lead content strategist, Snigdha helps the customer service teams to leverage the right technology along with AI to deliver exceptional and memorable customer experiences.
  • Online shoppers will take the action on the page with the chatbots’ triggers.

Because the level of knowledge and training varies from agent to agent, customers may experience discrepancies and inconsistencies when reaching out to support teams. Our CX Trends Report found that only a third of companies are omnichannel, and just 17 percent are set up with a system that connects all support channels. When chatbot technology integrates with your other systems, you can start to personalize customer interactions. While customer representatives can be very frustrated from time to time and often lose their patience depending on a problem, chatbots do not face such a problem. Chatbots are also capable of collecting and processing a huge volume of customer data and use it to personalize outreach.

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Currently, 1.3 billion Messenger users, 854.5 million Instagram users, and 330 million monthly Twitter users, all have made an online purchase at least once. The bots have all the customer data as an upper hand and can identify any upselling or cross-selling opportunity to encourage customers to buy. Pipe in all the customer data into the chatbot so that it can personalize every suggestion according to their demography, preferences, and interests. Tailored recommendations can genuinely help the chatbot to continue further. A bot should address the customer by name and maintain a helpful conversation for them. Never let the conversation stop cold just because you didn’t have a script ready for your bot.

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Some can be entertaining, like Cleverbot, which was built to respond to prompts like a human would in normal conversation. Conversation trees are designed to cover every imaginable customer response and guide the chatbot on what to say. This will help you devise a flow system that guides users to the quick answers they need.

benefits of chatbot marketing

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